Fall Into Better Skin With a Custom Chemical Peel


After months enjoying the summer sun, you’re probably feeling like it’s time for a little skin rejuvenation! Even if you tried your best to be diligent with sunscreen -  long summer days can lead to skin damage. Freckles, dark spots, and a few new fine lines may have crept in – but we have a minimally-invasive way to renew your complexion quickly and effectively: a customized chemical peel!

Autumn is actually the perfect time to schedule your chemical peel! With less sun exposure and lower UV levels – this season is optimal for recovery post-peel.

What is a Chemical Peel? (And How Does it Work?)

A chemical peel is a type of exfoliation technique that uses a chemical to loosen the bonds between your old skin cells and your new ones. This exfoliant allows that top layer of dull, dead skin to be wiped away – revealing your new, fresh skin underneath.

In addition to being an exfoliant, chemical peels also stimulate your body’s natural healing process to kick-in. The peel boosts your production of collagen and elastin. These essential skin components work together to provide strength and elasticity to help your skin maintain its shape and structure. This is key in reducing fine lines and wrinkles and maintaining a youthful complexion.   

Benefits of Getting a Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is an effective way to ‘reset’ and revitalize your skin. It also can help improve a specific skin problem – like an acne breakout. Here are all of the great benefits a chemical peel can provide:

Discoloration – chemical peels help lighten any pigmentation concerns, whether it be sun spots, age spots, or melasma.

Aging skin – this treatment fades the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet, helping turn back the clocks.

Acne – by clearing out your pores and balancing oil production, peels help resolve blemishes and clear your complexion.

Improved texture – a peel helps resurface and smooth your skin, diminishing scars and rough patches. This gives you softer skin that allows for better penetration of your skincare products – making your skin even healthier!

Chemical Peels Offered at Polished MedSpa

There are a variety of chemical peels that use different agents depending on what your unique needs are. We offer 3 different kinds of peels at Polished MedSpa to meet the needs of a variety of skin types. 

The ZO 3-Step Peel, the ZO Stimulator Peel, and the Jessner Peel are all effective chemical peels that help improve our client’s skin. No need to worry about which one, we will make recommendations based on your unique skin and desired results!

If you’re ready to walk into fall with a healthy, glowing, clear complexion – come see us for a customized chemical peel. 

And…if you want to step things up to the next level – microneedling with PRP  is another facial treatment I highly recommend to refresh your complexion this fall. This minimally-invasive treatment also addresses a wide variety of tone and texture issues. It’s also just a great way to boost your own collagen and give you more radiant skin!

Book an appointment  with us at Polished MedSpa soon! 

XO, Lauren


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