
Achieving healthy, radiant skin doesn’t need to be a complicated process. Polished Medspa is happy to announce we now offer the non-invasive HydraFacial® MD treatment in our Essex location.

Do you want your skin to be nourished, restored, and protected with a natural shine? HydraFacial® MD takes the best elements of hydra dermabrasion, chemical peel science, painless extraction, and nutrient delivery AND puts it into one simple treatment that can completely transform the health of your skin.

Do you want your skin to be nourished, restored, and protected with a natural shine? HydraFacial® MD takes the best elements of hydra dermabrasion, chemical peel science, painless extraction, and nutrient delivery AND puts it into one simple treatment that can completely transform the health of your skin.


Polished MedSpa now offers the newest, most innovative, advanced HydraFacial delivery system–ever. Syndeo™ elevates the entire experience, making it more personalized and seamless for both you and your clients.

Only Hydrafacial devices use Vortex Fusion technology to gently but thoroughly refresh and revive any skin type.

How does it work?

The HydraFacial is administered in three simple steps.

The first step is cleanse and peel. The device deeply cleanses and exfoliates with a gentle pen to remove dead skin cells from the outer layer.

The second step is extraction and hydration. This step removes impurities from pores with painless gentle suction. That same applicator unclogs pores and saturates the face with moisturizers.

The final step is fuse and protect, which delivers serums, also known as boosters, to the skin to treat specific issues such as hyperpigmentation or enlarged pores. This can be customized based on individual concerns. These serums treat specific issues such as hyperpigmentation or enlarged pores. This can be customized based on individual concerns. 

The HydraFacial can address a variety of skincare needs, from fine lines and wrinkles to elasticity and firmness, to even tone and brown spots. Major benefits include:

  • Refreshes & Rejuvenates Skin

  • Reduces Fine Lines & Wrinkles

  • Evens Skin Tone & Hyperpigmentation

  • Adds Vibrancy

  • Improves Elasticity & Firmness

  • Smoothes Texture

  • Relieves Congestion

  • Minimizes Enlarged Pores

What Are Hydrafacial Boosters?

Hydrafacial Boosters are specially formulated serums made from natural ingredients that work synergistically with your Hydrafacial treatment to improve your results. The powerful combination of these two entities creates a unique effect that helps hydrate and nourish your skin while also providing advanced protection against environmental stressors like free radicals and UV damage. Plus, this dynamic duo provides long-term benefits too! So, not only will you see immediate results after treatment, but you’ll also continue to reap the rewards for weeks and months afterwards too!

How Do They Work?

Hydrafacial boosters are specially formulated serums that are applied during the last stage of your regular treatment. These solutions contain active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins and antioxidants which work together to promote collagen production and improve skin elasticity. During your treatment, these active ingredients will penetrate deep into the dermal layer of your skin for maximum absorption and effectiveness.

The best part about Hydrafacial boosters is that they can be customized according to your individual needs. Our aesthetician will be able to select from a variety of solutions based on your unique complexion goals such as brightening or anti-aging benefits. No matter what type of skin concern or desired outcome you have in mind, there is sure to be a booster solution available for you!

What are the Benefits?

Hydrafacials have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to improve skin texture, tone and clarity while providing deep cleansing and exfoliation. The boosters target specific skin concerns. From signs of aging, giving a fresh, younger appearance as well as treating redness or skin discolorations. This is next-level skincare. Real science. Real results. 

Unlike traditional facial treatments where only one solution is used at a time, Hydrafacial boosters allow for multiple solutions to be used during a single session. This means that you will get maximum results with minimal effort! Plus, these solutions are specifically designed to enhance the effects of your regular Hydrafacial treatment by targeting deeper layers of skin and improving hydration levels.

How Do I Choose the Right Booster for Me?

Choosing the right booster for you is super important because each one has been developed specifically to target certain issues or concerns. For example, if you’re looking for an effective anti-aging solution then we recommend trying our Age Refinement Booster which contains peptides and antioxidants to help reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Or maybe you have dry skin? If so then try our Hydrating Boost which helps rehydrate and replenish moisture levels in skin without leaving behind any greasy residue. Whatever issue or concern you may have, there is likely a booster that can help! For a full list of Hydrafacial boosters, check out our guide. By combining multiple active ingredients into one powerful serum, these boosters provide superior hydration and nourishment while also helping improve overall complexion health - all without taking up much extra time or effort! So why not give them a try? You won't regret it!

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