Forever Bare - The Most Effective Laser Hair Removal


The middle of winter makes us dream of the summer months to come. But did you know you should actually be preparing NOW to achieve smooth, maintenance free skin? Removing unwanted hair is probably the last thing on your mind this winter, but now is the prime time to get started with laser hair removal! The treatment plan takes time, and is best to do when you’re not exposed to sunlight.

The MOXI Platform by Sciton is our versatile new technology that includes laser hair removal.

Forever Bare is a non-invasive laser treatment that is safe, effective, and comfortable. If you’re ready to ditch shaving, waxing, and tweezing for good – Forever Bare BBL is for you! You’ll be left with skin that is smooth, soft, and summer ready by the time you hit the pool this year.

How Does BBL Hair Removal Work?

BroadBand Light (BBL) ™ is an innovative light-based technology that utilizes pulses of light energy to gently penetrate the skin. This light specifically targets, disables, and destroys unwanted hair follicles, while preserving the integrity of your skin. This prevents hair from growing back again - providing a permanent option for removing unwanted hair.

Laser hair removal targets hair that is in the active growth stage. Since all of your hair is in different phases of growth at any given time, multiple spaced-out treatments are needed. We recommend 6-8 treatments that are 4-6 weeks apart for best results. Most patients can expect a significant reduction in unwanted facial or body hair after 5-6 treatments.

What Makes Forever Bare BBL Different?

Traditional hair removal devices apply all energy to a specific area at once. BBL allows for a more consistent approach – heating hair follicles evenly. By using multiple light pulses at a highly repetitive, consistent rate, it minimizes the missed areas that can occur with other devices.

Forever Bare BBL™ is fast and efficient – treating large surface areas quickly, and small areas precisely. This light energy is provided in multiple bursts (instead of all at once) and progressively raises the temperature to the appropriate level for hair removal. This keeps your skin safe and protected.

What Areas Can Be Treated with Forever Bare BBL?

Forever Bare BBL can be used anywhere on the face or body. Large areas, like the back and legs, as well as small delicate areas, such as the face. Multiple areas can be treated in one session depending on your unique needs. Here are all the different areas you may choose to remove unwanted hair!

  • Small area: upper lip, chin, cheeks, jawline, sideburns, ears, fingers, toes, belly button

  • Medium area: full face, underarms, back of neck, inner thighs, bikini line extended

  • Large area: lower or upper leg, lower or upper arm, chest, abdomen, full bikini, full buttocks

  • Extra large area: full arms, full legs, full back, chest and abdomen

Wherever you have hair you’d like to eliminate, Forever Bare BBL can help!

What Can I Expect During My Treatment?

The time spent depends on the size of the treatment area. Small areas like the chin or lips may take 15 minutes, while larger areas can take 30 minutes to an hour.

The Forever Bare BBL provides continuous cooling, even at maximum power. This keeps you and your skin comfortable throughout the entire treatment. Some patients describe the sensation as pinpricks, or a light snapping.

Post-treatment there is no downtime or restrictions. You may experience some slight swelling or redness, which will subside in a few hours.  Be sure to wear sunscreen if you’re out and about afterwards as well – as your skin will be more sensitive. 

Book an appointment with us today to get started with your laser hair removal. You’ll thank us this summer!

XO, Lauren


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