New Year New Treatments!

Here at Polished MedSpa we’re ringing in the New Year with new technology! We are excited to introduce our brand-new machine – the MOXI Platform by Sciton. This laser treatment is for anyone looking to lighten, brighten, and refresh their skin. 

We love the versatility and efficiency of this machine. It’s designed for everyone in mind – any skin type. There are different lasers for a variety of treatment options to best support all of our clients, because everyone’s skin is different! 

Are you ready for clear, rejuvenated skin to start the year out right? Let us tell you a bit more about it!

What is MOXI? 

MOXI uses laser technology to create micro-injuries in the top layer of your skin. This stimulates your body’s natural healing process to kick in, and boosts your production of collagen.

There are different lasers and  levels of intensity to treat your unique needs – whether that’s preventative maintenance, touch ups, or more intense revitalization. Moxi, SkinTyte, BBL, and Laser Hair are each different treatments within the MOXI platform to meet your needs. 

MOXI can be used anywhere on the body you’d like your skin renewed, or where you’d like to target a specific concern. It boosts the quality and appearance of your skin on your neck, chest, hands, arms, legs, and face. 

How Can MOXI Help Me?

The focus of MOXI is to ‘Prejuventate™’ – basically a way to proactively care for the health and appearance of your skin. However, it can also help with more targeted skin concerns.

Do you have any of the following skin issues? MOXI can help!

  • Pigmentation and sun damage– reduces the appearance of any pigmentation problems including sun spots, freckles, redness and melasma!!! 

  • Uneven Complexion – evens and balances your skin tone, improving clarity

  • Uneven texture – by boosting your body’s collagen production in the treatment area, you’ll notice a reduction in rough or uneven texture

  • Signs of aging – reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and tightens up loose skin

What Can I Expect During my MOXI Treatment?

We’ll discuss your unique needs and desired results prior to getting started. MOXI has a variety of capabilities that we tailor to you! 

Treatment time is fast, convenient, and effective. Depending on your needs and specific laser used – anywhere from 15 to 90 minutes – with an average treatment time of 30 minutes.

Your MOXI treatment session is a virtually painless experience. The laser delivery tip is applied over your skin, during which you may feel prickly heat or a slight snapping sensation.

There is little to no downtime, and you can resume your day immediately. Occasionally some tingling, redness, and dryness may occur post treatment. Skin peeling is normal and allows your new fresh skin to shine through.

We’ll help you determine how many treatments you’ll benefit from depending on your unique needs, but most people need 3-4 treatments for best results. Initial results are typically noticeable within 4- 5 days.

Stay tuned to learn more about what other modalities this platform can offer you!

Book an appointment with us today to get started with your MOXI treatment! Clear, beautiful skin awaits. 

XO, Lauren


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