The Natural Way to Regrow Your Hair


If you’re noticing that your hair isn’t as thick as it used to be – you’re not alone. Hair thinning and hair loss is very common and can be caused by a variety of different factors. Aging, hormones, stress – they all play a part in your hair losing the volume and density it once had! But regardless of the reason, hair loss takes a toll on your confidence and how you feel about your appearance.

There are so many options on the market to help with hair loss - from supplements, medications, wigs – even hair transplantation procedures. But if you want a natural approach that reverses hair loss by stimulating your own hair to grow back, we have an effective option for you at Polished Med Spa! Hair restoration with PRP is our go-to solution to help you experience thicker, fuller, healthier looking hair.

What is PRP?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is your own plasma (part of the makeup of your blood) that is rich in platelets. Platelets are an amazing source of growth factors that promote rapid cell growth. They help your body create new, healthy cells that expedite the healing process.

PRP injections involve using this plasma and injecting it into your scalp to stimulate hair growth. While it may sound a little ‘out there’ – this is as natural as hair restoration gets! This non-surgical option is safe, convenient, and requires no downtime.

We actually take the same approach with our microneedling with PRP  facial treatment (aka the vampire facial!). This is an incredibly effective treatment that helps you boost and build your own collagen, providing big improvements to your skin's tone and texture.

How Does This PRP Process Work?

Getting the PRP from you and preparing it for the injection therapy is a three-step process. 

1. We draw blood from your arm

2. Your blood is placed into a machine called a centrifuge

3. Your newly separated platelets are then injected directly into your scalp

Let's break it down a little further:

 After drawing blood from your arm into a vial – it’s placed into the centrifuge. A centrifuge is a machine that spins very rapidly and separates the fluids out. Your plasma is separated from your red blood cells, which is then extracted out into a separate syringe.

  Using a small needle, we inject your platelets strategically into your scalp – focusing on areas of greatest need. These platelets get to work stimulating your hair follicles to become larger and healthier – resulting in hair growth!

What Can I Expect During and After My PRP Injections?

As with any injection you may have, there may be some mild discomfort. This mild pain can occur at the injection site and result in some scalp tenderness after the treatment is over. Considering this is your own blood being injected back into your body - side effects are minimal. You could have a little bit of bleeding, a headache, or some itching.

While everyone is different, PRP has been shown to provide some wonderful benefits for your hair. Results include decreased hair loss, increased hair growth, and an increase in hair thickness. This means thicker, fuller, healthier hair for you! Many people notice results within a matter of months.

Consistency is key for best results. We will develop a treatment plan with you dependent on your unique needs - but in general you'll want to come back for treatments once a month for the first several months. Depending on your response to the treatment, we'll set up a plan moving forward. You’ll need touch-ups in the future to maintain hair growth.

 Interested in learning more about PRP for hair restoration? Book an appointment with us today at Polished Med Spa! We’d love to help you get your hair, and confidence back!

 XO, Lauren


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