Falling into Fresh Skin this Season


After a busy summer - we love fall vibes and taking the time to reset and reestablish supportive self-care routines. And nothing is better than taking steps to renew and revitalize your complexion! We have a wide variety of treatments at Polished MedSpa to revive your scorched summer skin and get you back on track to achieving a beautiful, flawless complexion. Here are our top recommendations to get started with this fall!

Brighten and Refresh with MOXI

Moxi is a gentle yet effective laser treatment that is perfect for correcting the appearance of sun damage and aging. We use Moxi  to combat any tone or texture concerns to improve your skin’s overall appearance. MOXI works by creating micro-injuries in the skin, which stimulates cellular turnover and collagen production. This is a great option for anyone seeking a fast, easy option with no downtime for gradual skin improvement!

Beautiful Skin With BBL™ 

Broadband Light (BBL)™ - also known as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, is a skin treatment that uses targeted intense pulses of light to remedy sun-damaged skin. The laser targets a variety of concerns – including uneven pigmentation, sunspots, freckles, and small blood vessels. By stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, clients experience more youthful, rejuvenated skin. We love the efficiency of this treatment. 

Peel Away the Damage with Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a tried-and-true exfoliation treatment that provide a minimally-invasive approach to skin revitalization. The perfect way to peel away any summer damage and reset your complexion - a chemical peel removes the dull, dead top layer of skin cells. This process allows your fresh, healthier skin to shine through. 

There are 2 types of peel from our favorite skincare like, ZO® Skin Health, that we highly recommend.

  1. First up is ZO® 3-Step Peel®. This peel is perfect to address post-summer skin damage -  as it targets melasma, fine lines, and uneven tone and texture. We love the versatility of this peel as well – because it works great for large pores, active acne, and any related scarring. The 3 steps include applying the peel solution to exfoliate the skin, then applying the Stimulating Retinol Crème to boost collagen and elastin production, and finally – finishing off with the Calming Crème to minimize inflammation, irritation, and to restore moisture balance. 

  1. Next is the ZO® Stimulator Peel. Another great choice to address sun damaged skin,this peel is quick and effective - with zero downtime. The active ingredients exfoliate the skin, and stimulate cell turnover as well as the growth of collagen and elastin. It’s ideal for melasma, sun damage, fine lines, uneven texture, dull skin, and large pores. You’ll walk away with fresh, glowing skin!

And finally, our newest peel here at Polished MedSpa is the BioRePeel. This three-step process stimulates new skin growth, addresses UV damage, and fades the scarring and effects of sun damage, fine lines, and overall aging.

  • BIOstimulation – improves texture with instant results

  • Revitalization - healthy skin formation

  • PEELing – skin renewal

In addition to this treatment's anti-aging effects, the formula and antibacterial properties efficiently removes blocked pores and blackheads, while helping reduce acne. Your skin benefits from the infusion of vitamins and antioxidants with no needles or injections. You can use this peel on any part of your body that you’d like to renew and revitalize. Face, neck, décolletage, hands, feet, arms - anything goes! You’ll enjoy improved texture, reduced signs of aging, and overall healthier skin.

Brighten Your Skin with Hydroquinones 

ZO Skin Health hydroquinones are potent skin-brightening agents that work to reduce the appearance of dark spots and uneven pigmentation. Hydroquinone inhibits melanin production in the skin, helping to fade existing sunspots and prevent new ones from forming. ZO® Skin Health offers a range of hydroquinone-based products geared for all skin types. Incorporating these products into your skincare routine helps repair sun damage and achieve a balanced complexion.

Unsure where to start? No problem. Book an appointment with us today and we’ll guide you on the right approach for you! Looking forward to helping you reset and renew this fall.

XO, Lauren


The ZO Skin Health Difference


The Natural Way to Regrow Your Hair